Our Affiliates
Brand Identity, Publication layout design, Product packaging design, Content creation, Web and Digital design.
We offer an affordable and complete online radio management and streaming solution.
Kimnet Media in partnership with volunteers have worked on providing free educational resources to help learners and other stake holders.
The improvement of peoples livelihood using the current trending Technology and innovations.
We undertake multidisciplinary research and development in corporate, industrial and allied technologies.
Ushairi wa Mwanagenzi
This is a Swahili Poetry website consisting of Swahili Poetry History, learning resources, how to compose swahili poems and assorted popular Swahili Poems. An Android App is also available on Play store for the same.
The Site includes:
– Swahili description
– Swahili Poems
– Learning materials
– Illustrations for the poems
– Updatable poem database
– Recorded audio poems
To access the site, kindly visit ushairi.kimnet.co.ke
The Trending Hope International
The initiative seeks to restore hope to disadvantaged persons, poor, People Living with HIV, etc.
Our aim is to foster self reliance principle by creation of employment opportunities through development initiatives and charitable projects.
To work for reduction of poverty and to improve living conditions of the community members.
To help the needy persons to maintain the minimum standards of living by providing various services such as donations and voluntary training to strengthen their activities to be self dependent in the near future.
To read more about this, kindly visit hope.kimnet.co.ke
Quotes Hub
This hub includes assorted quotes used day to day by people of different fields.
The quotes are classified into:
– Inspirational
– Success
– Love
– Seasons
– Leadership
– Strength
– Business
– Wisdom, etc
Kindly visit here quotes.kimnet.co.ke